Tag: sideloading

  • SAMTIME: Apple’s Latest Game-Changing Feature

    SAMTIME: Apple’s Latest Game-Changing Feature


    Apple Makes Sideloading a Reality in the EU! Apple has taken a significant step by allowing real sideloading on iPhones in the EU. This move grants users the ability to download and install apps directly from developers’ websites. However, there’s a twist to this groundbreaking development that comes with a set of requirements and costs.…

  • TechLinked: Google Lost Our Minds

    TechLinked: Google Lost Our Minds


    Tech News: Google Lost, and So Did We Google has agreed to pay $700 million in damages to US consumers as part of a settlement with every state attorney’s general over the search giant’s alleged anti-competitive Play Store rules. Google’s Settlement and Implications The $700 million settlement, although less than what the Play Store makes…

SAMTIME: Apple’s Latest Game-Changing Feature