Tag: Windows 10

  • Windows 11 Loses Epic Feature!

    Windows 11 Loses Epic Feature!


    Windows 11 LOST a feature?? Microsoft has unexpectedly announced the end of support for the Windows subsystem for Android, which allowed Android apps to run on Windows 11. The feature can no longer be installed, and current users have a year left before it completely shuts down. This move comes after the feature failed to…

  • Microsoft’s Wi-Fi Woes

    Microsoft’s Wi-Fi Woes


    Issues with Windows 11 Update The latest Windows 11 update seems to be causing issues with Wi-Fi connections, particularly in devices with certain Qualcomm Wi-Fi adapters and networks using the 802.11r fast roaming standard. This feature is commonly utilized in large campuses, such as universities, and the problem has prompted several educational institutions to recommend…

Windows 11 Loses Epic Feature!