Picking the Perfect Pals in Palworld


Palworld: 10 Best Pals to Catch (Early to Mid-Game)

Palworld: 10 Best Pals to Catch (Early to Mid-Game)

Palworld is a game entirely centered around the concept of Pals. Whether for combat, base management, or traversal, the Pals you choose for your Paldeck will significantly impact your gameplay experience. In this video transcript, Moxsy shares insight into the top five Pals to take into battle and the top five to keep at your home base. This guide is geared towards beginners or players around level 20. Let’s dive into the fantastic world of Pals in Palworld!

Best Pals for Battling

At the fifth spot, the Ether Deer stands out with its ability to be ridden as a mount and its antler uppercut move, making it great for traversal and capturing Pals.

Coming in at number four is the Van Worm, which becomes a crucial asset due to its flying capabilities, despite being an early game choice.

Picking the Perfect Pals in Palworld

The third spot is occupied by the powerful attacking Quivver, known for its versatile range of moves, making it a must-catch for combat.

Catris takes the second place as a high-damage dealing Pal that also boosts item drops, making it a valuable addition during the starting phase of the game.

Securing the top spot is War Sect, a formidable Pal skilled in defense and providing bonus fire damage, making it a game-changer for battles from the early game to endgame.

Essential Pals for the Home Base

At number five, the productive Vixie stands out for its ability to drop essential items like pal spheres and arrows when allocated to your Ranch or Farm, making it a valuable base asset.

Tomats take the fourth spot with their rank two Gathering, Mining, and Transporting abilities, making them indispensable general assistants around your base.

Picking the Perfect Pals in Palworld

Claiming the third spot, the low-maintenance Mandas are exceptional at planting, lumbering, and transporting, providing much-needed support for resource management.

Coming in at number two, Wixon shines with its high handiwork and transporting skills, serving as a reliable helper for smelting and crafting tasks at the base.

Finally, the top choice for base management is the formidable Dig Toise, renowned for its efficient mining capabilities and offensive prowess when breaking down rocks and ores, proving indispensable for resource acquisition.

For more Palworld insights and guidance, stay tuned here at IGN for all things Palworld!

Remember, the top 10 Pals in Palworld are essential for your journey, so get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure with your trusty companions by your side!

Picking the Perfect Pals in Palworld

Picking the Perfect Pals in Palworld