Gamers Expose the Real Truth About Pirating


This is why people pirate games..

Is the $70 Price Tag Justified for Skull and Bones?

The First Quadruple A Game?

Asmongold recently reacted to the upcoming game, Skull and Bones, and its controversial $70 price tag. The game’s publisher, Ubisoft, defended the price increase by labeling it as a “quadruple a” game. Asmongold did not hold back his opinions as he watched the gameplay, critiquing the combat mechanics and expressing disappointment in some of the gameplay elements.

Gameplay Reaction

Asmongold’s reaction to the combat gameplay was unfiltered, as he observed the player engaging in combat. He pointed out the repetitive nature of the combat, expressing his concerns about the game’s value given these gameplay mechanics. Furthermore, he noted that the game seemed to rely heavily on timing-based mini-games, leaving him underwhelmed and questioning whether the game justifies its price.

In conclusion, Asmongold suggested that the game might have potential if certain gameplay elements were improved. Despite the skepticism, he acknowledged the appealing graphics and environment, offering a glimmer of hope for the game’s potential success.

Gamers Expose the Real Truth About Pirating

Asmongold’s reaction video offers a unique perspective on Skull and Bones, providing insights into the gaming community’s expectations and concerns. With the game yet to be released, it will be interesting to see how Ubisoft addresses the criticisms and whether the game will live up to its “quadruple a” label.

In the end, Asmongold’s commentary provides a thought-provoking look at the gaming industry and the expectations surrounding high-priced games, continuing to spark discussions within the gaming community.

Gamers Expose the Real Truth About Pirating