Feet-Only Horror Game: Neural Parasite


Horror Game Where You Manually Control Your Feet To Move - Neural Parasite

Neural Parasite is a unique horror game that challenges players to manually control their feet to move and defend themselves from zombies. The game takes place in a bunker full of zombified Nazis, creating a tense and thrilling atmosphere for players to navigate through.

With its limited control mechanics and challenging gameplay, Neural Parasite is not your typical horror game. Players must carefully alternate between controlling each foot, manage their limited supply of ammo and knives, and use their wits to survive the zombie onslaught.

While the game may have its limitations in terms of control and movement, it offers a refreshing take on the horror genre, providing players with a truly immersive and adrenaline-pumping experience.

Feet-Only Horror Game: Neural Parasite

So if you’re looking for a unique and challenging horror game experience, give Neural Parasite a try and see if you can survive the zombie-infested bunker!

Feet-Only Horror Game: Neural Parasite