Ditch the Rules: Security Tips to Ignore!


You Should IGNORE Most Security Advice (w/ Henry from Techlore)

The Importance of Building a Personalized Threat Model

When it comes to cybersecurity, the sheer volume of advice and best practices available can be overwhelming. How do you know what advice to follow and what to ignore? Josh from All Things Secured and Henry from Techlore believe that the key lies in building a personalized threat model.

Understanding Your Unique Security Needs

One of the crucial points that Josh and Henry discuss is that cybersecurity is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Your security needs are unique to you based on factors such as your online behavior, the devices you use, and the information you want to protect. This understanding is the foundation for building an effective threat model.

Ignoring One-Size-Fits-All Solutions

Henry emphasizes the importance of ignoring generic security advice that may not be relevant to your specific situation. This could involve recommendations for complex passwords when you use a password manager, or suggestions for tools that don’t align with your threat model.

Ditch the Rules: Security Tips to Ignore!

Collaboration with Yubico

This enlightening discussion is made possible by Yubico, a leading provider of 2FA security keys. These keys offer an additional layer of security beyond passwords, protecting your accounts from unauthorized access. You can find your own security keys here.

Overall, the message from this collaboration between Josh and Henry is clear: tailor your cybersecurity practices to suit your individual needs. By building a personalized threat model, you can enhance your security and privacy online. Remember, what works for one person may not work for another. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and stay secure!

Stay safe online and keep learning!

Ditch the Rules: Security Tips to Ignore!