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Ads Targeted on What You Say? New Evidence

Are Ads Targeted on What You Say? New Evidence Emerges

In a recent article, Cox Media Group, a multi-billion dollar marketing company, claimed to have the ability to serve ads based on real-time voice data collected from devices like smartphones and tablets. They suggested that this practice is legal, hidden within the multi-page terms of use agreements found in app downloads and updates.

However, this sensational claim was met with skepticism and backlash, ultimately leading to the removal of the article by CMG due to the spread of misinformation. Amazon and Google have also refuted any involvement in active listening for ad targeting purposes, denying these dubious allegations. While the validity of these claims remain uncertain, it raises concerns about the privacy and ethical implications of such practices.

Major Cyber Attack Hits Iranian Fuel Stations

A hacktivist group known as “Predatory Sparrow” orchestrated a major cyber attack that impacted over 70% of the fuel stations in Iran, causing them to go offline. This attack comes as a striking blow to the Iranian government, as it is not the first time the group has targeted them in the past.

Are Ads Listening to Your Conversations?

Aligning themselves with Israel, the hacktivist group aims to retaliate against Iran and its proxies in light of recent aggression. The attack serves as a form of retribution for Iranian-backed rebel groups in Yemen disrupting fuel tanker shipments, leading to oil companies redirecting their operations and causing fuel supply disruptions to Israel. While the involvement of an Israeli military unit is suspected, the technical details of the cyber attack remain unknown.

Bug Fix: Cloud Access Misconfiguration

In a separate incident, owners of IoT security cameras and networking gear from Ubiquiti experienced a concerning bug that resulted in unintended access to the devices of other users. Due to a ‘misconfiguration’ issue, approximately 1000 accounts were improperly associated, leading to unauthorized notifications and control over other users’ devices.

This incident highlights a recurring vulnerability in cloud-connected devices, demonstrated by similar issues with other products like Eufy cameras in the past. While companies like Ubiquiti are working to rectify such security flaws, it raises awareness of the potential risks associated with cloud-based systems.

In conclusion, these events exemplify the evolving landscape of data privacy and security in an increasingly connected digital world. As such, users and organizations must remain vigilant in addressing and preventing potential vulnerabilities in their devices and systems.

Remember to stay informed, and maintain cyber hygiene by exercising caution and due diligence in the digital realm. Being proactive about security can help safeguard your privacy and protect against potential threats. Stay safe and secure online! ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ๐Ÿ”’

Are Ads Listening to Your Conversations?

Are Ads Listening to Your Conversations?