Apple’s Hilarious Reaction to EU App Store Rules


Apple Reacts to Their New EU App Store Rules

Apple’s Compliance with EU Digital Markets Act

Apple has recently announced its response to the new EU Digital Markets Act, which requires the company to allow alternate app stores and payment processors on its iOS devices in the European Union.

The New Rules Unveiled

Starting in March, EU users may notice new app stores available to download and manage their iPhone apps. This could include alternate app stores such as the Epic App Store, Amazon App Store, or even Samsung’s app store. However, there are stringent guidelines in place for those wishing to compete with Apple’s App Store. Applicants must request permission, agree to app scanning, and demonstrate financial stability with a hefty combined upfront and yearly fee.

Payment Processors and User Experience

Developers will now be able to use their own payment processing providers in their iOS apps, though customers will be alerted to potential privacy and security risks. Despite not being the payment provider, Apple will still charge a fee on each transaction, adding an extra layer of cost for developers and users.

Apple’s Hilarious Reaction to EU App Store Rules

Feedback and Reaction

These new rules have been met with mixed reception, with developers expressing frustration and concern over increased fees and limitations on app store options. While some view these changes as restrictive, Apple is confident that they are essential for maintaining the security and integrity of their platform.

Looking Forward

While the implementation of these changes remains pending EU approval, Apple’s response to the new EU Digital Markets Act provides a glimpse into the future of app store competition and payments on iOS devices in the European Union.

Stay tuned for further updates as the situation unfolds!


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Apple’s Hilarious Reaction to EU App Store Rules

Apple’s Hilarious Reaction to EU App Store Rules