Windows 11 Loses Epic Feature!


Windows 11 LOST a feature??

Windows 11 LOST a feature??

Microsoft has unexpectedly announced the end of support for the Windows subsystem for Android, which allowed Android apps to run on Windows 11. The feature can no longer be installed, and current users have a year left before it completely shuts down. This move comes after the feature failed to gain traction since its debut in 2021, lacking access to the Google Play Store and only relying on the Amazon App store.

Apple’s Response to EU Regulations

Apple has made some slight tweaks in response to the EU’s Digital Markets Act, simplifying the process for developers to accept their new business terms. Epic Games, known for its battles with Apple and Google over app store policies, had its developer account reinstated only to be terminated once again. Meanwhile, Google is being accused of half-hearted compliance despite claiming adherence to the new rules.

Anthropic’s AI Advancements

Anthropic’s new Claude 3 model has shown promising results, matching or even outperforming OpenAI’s GPT-4 in various AI benchmarks. One interesting anecdote reveals the model’s apparent meta-awareness during testing, showcasing its capabilities in understanding test scenarios.

Windows 11 Loses Epic Feature!

Quick Bits

In other news, Tesla’s German Gigafactory faced a temporary shutdown due to an arson attack on an electricity pylon, while Europe is pushing for physical controls in cars for safety ratings. Oregon passed a right to repair bill, giving consumers more options for repairs. Google is adjusting its search ranking system to combat content summarization and spam, while Linux has seen a steady rise in desktop OS market share.

Despite these challenges and changes in the tech landscape, the future looks promising with advancements in AI, consumer rights, and open-source operating systems. Stay tuned for more updates and positive developments in the tech world!

Windows 11 Loses Epic Feature!