X-Men Movie Timeline: Still Senseless After 24 Years


The X-Men Movie Timeline Still Makes No Sense 24 Years In (and That's OK)

The Evolution of the X-Men Movie Timeline and Its Relevance in Today’s Marvel Universe

Man, Deadpool & Wolverine sure gave us a bunch of Easter eggs and cameos that tie back to a variety of old Fox Marvel movies – and some non-Fox ones as well. But what the latest Marvel Studios film also manages to do is kind of make the Fox X-Men movie timeline even more confusing than it already was – and that’s saying something.

The Question of Continuity and Canon

Still, perhaps what lies at the center of the new Ryan Reynolds/Hugh Jackman film is a bigger question about how much any of this continuity stuff really matters anyway. In a world where you can have 100 Deadpools, or a new Logan – even after the so-called final film in the Wolverine franchise killed off the character – does continuity or canon really make a difference anymore?

The Fox movie-verse is essentially part of the MCU now – a franchise that in part rose to Hollywood prominence because of its mastery of the concept of the shared universe. But it’s hard not to wonder how much longer viewers will remain invested in the House that Kevin Feige built when the New Marvel Normal tells us that, thanks to the multiverse, death and change are essentially meaningless now.

X-Men Movie Timeline: Still Senseless After 24 Years

Understanding the Fox/Marvel-verse

Ironically, the Fox Marvel movies kind of knew that continuity didn’t matter. And it turns out that may have been a feature, not a bug. So let’s steal a TVA thingamajig and dig into this further with a look at the confusing X-Men movie timeline, as well as the bigger Fox/Marvel-verse and beyond – and what lessons they might teach us about the future of the MCU!

A Deep Dive into the X-Men Movie Timeline

From 2000’s X-Men to X2, The Last Stand, First Class, Days of Future Past, the Deadpool movies, X-Men Origins, The Wolverine, and Logan, there is a lot of mutant examination that needs to happen!

Despite the convoluted nature of the X-Men movie timeline, the diverse array of characters and storylines have captured audiences’ imaginations for over two decades. The evolution of these films has paved the way for the exploration of complex themes and the portrayal of deeply human characters with extraordinary abilities.

While the timeline may be perplexing at times, one thing remains clear – the X-Men movies have left an indelible mark on the superhero genre, inspiring future cinematic endeavors and redefining what it means to be a hero.

So, perhaps the chaotic nature of the X-Men movie timeline is not a flaw, but rather a testament to the enduring appeal of these iconic characters and their timeless struggle for acceptance and unity in a world that fears them.

X-Men Movie Timeline: Still Senseless After 24 Years

And as the Marvel Universe continues to expand and evolve, one thing is certain – the legacy of the X-Men will continue to resonate with audiences for generations to come.

Appreciate the nostalgia and embrace the journey of the X-Men movie timeline – it may be confusing, but it’s all part of the marvel-ous tapestry that is the world of superheroes!

X-Men Movie Timeline: Still Senseless After 24 Years