X-Men ’97 Creator Fired Over ‘Egregious’ Findings


Disney Cites 'Egregious' Findings Led to X-Men '97 Creator's Firing - IGN The Fix: Entertainment

Marvel Studios Fires X-Men ’97 Creator Over ‘Egregious’ Findings

Marvel Studios made headlines when they officially announced the firing of Beau DeMayo, the head writer for X-Men ’97. The decision came after an internal investigation revealed “egregious” findings that led to DeMayo’s immediate termination in March 2024.

What Led to DeMayo’s Firing?

The controversy surrounding DeMayo’s dismissal stemmed from a social media post related to gay pride. DeMayo claimed that he was stripped of his writing credit for season 2 of X-Men ’97 due to this post. He shared a letter he received, stating that his credit was being removed based on the content of his social media post.

Marvel’s Official Statement

Reacting to the situation, Marvel Studios released a statement addressing DeMayo’s termination. The statement cited the nature of the findings as the reason for cutting ties with DeMayo. This move reaffirmed Marvel’s commitment to maintaining a certain standard of conduct within the company.

X-Men ’97 Creator Fired Over ‘Egregious’ Findings

Marvel’s swift response indicates a zero-tolerance policy towards behavior that contradicts their values and principles.

While DeMayo hinted at revealing more details on the matter in the future, Marvel’s official stance seems to draw a conclusive line under the controversy surrounding his departure.

It’s important to note the ongoing emphasis on accountability and professionalism within the entertainment industry, prompting companies like Marvel to take immediate action in response to ethical breaches among their staff.

Despite the upheaval caused by DeMayo’s firing, fans can look forward to future developments in the X-Men ’97 series. Marvel’s dedication to delivering quality content remains unwavering, promising an exciting journey ahead for viewers.

Stay tuned for more updates on this evolving story!

X-Men ’97 Creator Fired Over ‘Egregious’ Findings

Remember, in entertainment, transparency and integrity are key to fostering trust and respect among creators and audiences alike.

X-Men ’97 Creator Fired Over ‘Egregious’ Findings