As seen on New Minecraft Servers
#Woompys #SMP #whitelisted #vanilla #SMP
NO teleportation, No land-claiming,
Whitelist: to weed out the bad actors.
Events: we do community events and minigames!
Limited border: currently we have a 3500×3500 world border, to be expanded as the server grows.

TerraformGenerator: custom world generation – this is the only significant non-vanilla plugin
GSit: sit on stairs
CoreProtect: block and container logging to catch griefers and thieves
Our focus is on the ‘playing together’ aspect; so far we’ve settled our bases closely to each other, not far from spawn. We won’t judge you for any playstyle though – we hope to be as inclusive as we can be 🙂
We welcome players from all origins, but do note that the server will revolve around EST timezones (e.g. other timezone mornings).
Ready to apply? Make sure you READ THE RULES on read-me . Once done, head over to apply-here and submit your application!
INTERESTED? Apply here →