As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
#Wolfline #minecraft #origins #smp

Here is the mods folder we use, we are using fabric so if you need optifine go use optifablic.
1. racist ways are not allowed.
2. building a religious thing is fine just not on other’s land.
3. spamming way stones is not fine.
4. destroying a build is not allowed
5. when a player takes from other’s crops they should replant them. if not possible call staff on our discord to replant.
6. sexual ways with a minor will get you banned, only in platonic ways it’s allowed.
6. building in someone’s land in not allowed only with permission.
7. if a village is out of villagers it is to players to tell staff for replacing them.
8. sexy imagery is not allowed, only in private areas of a player where minors are not allowed.
9. every rule can be bent or changed upon a player’s request only if a staff member agrees.
10. anything the staff sees as a problem must be fixed if only the rest of staff agree.