As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
#VqSmp #players

Discord is vqtriox9551
*You will need to be whitelisted so please message me on discord*
~Rule 1
Do not grief or steal. Taking items from a chest you don’t
own or breaking a building you didn’t build is illegal, unless
the owner of the chest/build agrees to it. This includes
farms: using someone’s farm without their permission is
not allowed. As long as they are done in good taste,
pranking someone’s base/build is allowed, but the
cleanup process of the prank should definitely take less than an hour.
~Rule 2
Pvp is not illegal, but it’s only accepted in moderation.
All items dropped need to be returned to their owner
(this does not include the head drop and one item of
ur choice). If a player attacks you and you kill them in self defense that’s also allowed.
~Rule 3
Do not xray or cheat. Please do not use hacked/modded clients
that give you an advantage over other players. Using tnt dupers,
bedrock breakers or similar exploits is accepted however.
Straight up ITEM DUPERS ARE NOT ALLOWED (ex. Exploits
that can duplicate shulkers of items). This includes the clay patch trick.

Punishments will be grave… :skull:
We hope you have a great time in this server!