As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
Welcome to Voxeland! Here we reinvent the base game of Minecraft through our professional grade plugins custom crafted to create a unique Minecraft experience!
-Modern and clean cut interface:
Here in voxeland we have a custom made interfaces for almost everything! We boast custom warp menus, shop interfaces, custom enchantment shops, and much more!

Our worlds are 100% custom as all biomes are jam packed with custom terrain, foliage, bodies of water, and even landmarks.
-Custom mobs:
We have a large variety of new “boss mobs” you may come across within the world of Voxeland. Team up with friends to slay these monsters as they are much more powerful than the average mob.
-Integrated trading system:
We have a wealth of new content in terms of our economy! We have a player item trading system, and best of all, a fully functioning auction house where players may buy and sell whatever they please at any desired price!