As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing

I prioritize keeping the game as vanilla as possible, while optimizing the community fun. I have added mcMMO, /sethome, and the ability to sit on slabs and stairs. Staff is active and here to support you. While we are anti-grief, we do not use any bulky land claim plugins. We do our best to prevent grief, but in the case it does happen, we can easily reverse it.
The world border is 500k (+/-) in all realms. The nether and the end will have 1 reset around the mid-point of the map lifetime. The map will reset around the time 1.17 is released (mid-late 2021). For those of you who work on major builds, there is the ability to download it for your own world when we reset. If we like your build, you may be chosen to help build the next spawn (if you would like).
Coming soon is an event server! Awesome community events including parkour, build-offs, and more. A great way to win in-game prizes such as mob heads, Netherite, and more!
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