Ultimate Satisfactory Guide: 11 Things to Know


Satisfactory (1.0) - 11 Things To Know Before Starting | Phase 1 Guide

Satisfactory (1.0) – 11 Things To Know Before Starting | Phase 1 Guide

Satisfactory has finally hit its 1.0 version after spending five years in Early Access. For veterans and newcomers alike, diving into this complex world can be overwhelming. To help you navigate this exciting journey, here are 11 key aspects to keep in mind before embarking on your Satisfactory adventure.

Start In Rocky Desert

When you first load into the game, consider beginning in the Rocky Desert biome. This area provides plenty of resources and flat terrain for building your initial structures.

Explore Before Setting Down Your Hub

Prior to placing your Hub, take the time to scout the surroundings. Discovering nearby nodes and planning your layout will save you time and resources later on.

Ultimate Satisfactory Guide: 11 Things to Know

Place Multiple Portable Miners on One Node

Efficiency is key in Satisfactory. Rather than scattering miners across different nodes, maximize your output by placing multiple Portable Miners on a single resource node.

Unlock the Map ASAP

Unlocking the map early in the game is crucial for navigation and resource management. Prioritize this milestone to have a clear understanding of your surroundings.

Focus on Unlocking Milestones

Progressing through milestones is essential for unlocking new technologies and buildings. Concentrate on achieving these goals to advance your gameplay experience.

Conveyor Belts Are Key

Conveyor Belts are your best friend in Satisfactory. Streamline your production by utilizing conveyors to transport resources efficiently around your base.

Optimize Your Layout Early

Planning your factory layout from the beginning will prevent logistical nightmares down the line. Take the time to organize your structures for maximum efficiency.

Ultimate Satisfactory Guide: 11 Things to Know

Collect Lots of Leaves

Leaves are a valuable early-game resource for crafting biomass. Make sure to gather plenty of leaves to keep your Biomass Burners running smoothly.

Set To-Do Lists

Maintaining a clear set of objectives can help you stay on track amidst the chaos of building and exploring. Setting to-do lists can keep you focused and productive.

Set Up Temporary Productions When Needed

Temporary setups can be a lifesaver when you require immediate resources. Don’t hesitate to create temporary production lines to meet your current demands.

Do the Math

Efficiency is all about numbers in Satisfactory. Calculate ratios, resources, and production rates to optimize your factory and avoid bottlenecks.

Embarking on your Satisfactory journey can be an exhilarating experience, filled with challenges and triumphs. By following these 11 essential tips, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the complexities of this engaging game. So buckle up, embrace the unknown, and get ready to build the ultimate factory!

Ultimate Satisfactory Guide: 11 Things to Know

Enjoy your time in Satisfactory, and may your factories run smoothly!

Ultimate Satisfactory Guide: 11 Things to Know