As featured on New Minecraft Servers
#Infinity #OSMP
A small origins SMP. we are on 1.16.5 and use Bisect hosting.

– Guaranteed friendly community! If anyone is being toxic, even if they are staff, report them to a admin or higher rank. if they are a admin or co owner, report them directly to me, person#5099
– No racism or sexism tolerated! we support all sexes and colours, no hate is allowed. Period.
The server is whitelisted, Join the discord to get in.
Please read #rules and #info for more information.
In order to get on the server you must agree to the rules and verify yourself.
You should get a captcha in your dms, make sure you have dms for the server turned on. You also need to download the mods and have fabric for 1.16.5 installed. In order to access the ip and mod channels, you should make a member application