As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
#Eldercraft #Scrolls #Akavir #Elder #Scrolls #Server

You awaken to the call, the ship coming alive with the hurried footsteps of the crew and passengers above you. Your heart begins to race. After three weeks at sea, you’ve arrived at last: Akavir…
You gather your things and rush to the deck. Before you lies a vast blue ocean, and beyond it Esroniet. Rolling hills rise above the horizon, coated in jungle and mist. At the foot of them, a magnificent city sprawls out across the black sand beaches: the Imperial colony of Black Harbour.
As the ship pulls into port, you’re filled with excitement. You think about what brought you here, three weeks from Tamriel and half a world away from home. Did you make the right decision? Will your new life bring you troubles or fortune?
What adventures await you in Mysterious Akavir?
The Eldercraft Scrolls: Akavir is an original roleplaying community based in the world of The Elder Scrolls. Set on the exotic islands of Esroniet, our roleplay combines the intricate worldbuilding of The Elder Scrolls with our own unique lore. Our immersive, character-driven stories are supported by a custom D&D-style rolling system based on TES stats and skills.

Founded over ten years ago and with members from across the globe, our server is dedicated to providing a friendly community where everyone is welcome. Whether you’re a loremaster or a first-time roleplayer, we welcome folks of all play-styles and experience!
Your journey begins when you arrive in Akavir, ready to begin a new life. Will you be a brave Nord warrior with a love of adventure? A powerful Dunmer wizard seeking treasure? A stealthy Khajiit thief with a bounty on her head? Join our Discord and submit your application to get started: