As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
#Tataris #Citybuild #Server
The server will open its doors on Sunday, October 25th, 2020, 6:30 pm.
Each rank can be obtained through ingame currency!

Server features:
– Server Version 1.8.9, we looking forward to patch up to 1.14.4
– Active Admins
– NoPay2Win

– Daily Rewards
– Adminsop with weekly changes to buy/sell Items
– /msg and /mail System
– 4 Plots for free, and above will cost(ingame money)
– 4 /sethomes

– Mergesystem
– CustomItems
– Perksystem
– Server supports all common colors for chat, prefixes, holograms or signs.
– Experience can be bottled
– AntiXray
– /ec for enderchest
– 200 Player Slots
– Clansystem
– Check out all Commands and for more Information our Discord server:
I and my team have been running very well-attended and successful servers in other games for a long time and are now expanding to Minecraft. Therefore, we now have a good level of knowledge about backups, anticheat and other administrative skills.
At the moment there is only one city build, but with the appropriate number of players, you can change this via bungee cord 🙂
We look forward to new challenges and to offer you a place to play, trade and chat. You decide in which direction it will go, every player is part of the server.
We want to give people a place to play, where everyone can let their creativity run free and play as they want. A social togetherness completes this. We are all here to make our free time as pleasant as possible, and since other servers are constantly having performance problems, or the team no longer cares about the concerns of the players, the economy is ruined or the servers are absolutely Pay2Win, we have made a decision that this can also be done differently.
All of our ranks, case openings, boosters and Co. can be found with us e.g. win at events.
There is currently no vote box (but it is already planned as an update after the server has started), at the moment you get an increasing reward by playing every day, which you can pick up every day.
There are no starter items, you have to work out / negotiate everything yourself from scratch.
Our chat language is German and English.
We have integrated a message system directly into the game and maintain a clan system so that you can start right away with your (future) friends.
A new server waiting to be played on. We look forward to seeing you!
best regards