Tag: Positive

  • Fat Positive Influencer Thinks She’s an 8

    Fat Positive Influencer Thinks She’s an 8


    Asmongold Reacts to Fat Positive Influencer Thinks She’s an 8 Asmongold, a popular content creator and streamer known for his funny moments and reactions to various content, recently reacted to a video where people were rating themselves on a physical looks scale of 1 to 10. The discussion led to a fat positive influencer rating…

  • Roasting Fat Positive Influencers

    Roasting Fat Positive Influencers


    The Fat Positive Influencers Situation Asmongold, a popular content creator, recently reacted to a video discussing the unfortunate passing of some fat positive activists. The video brings attention to the issue that despite their advocacy for body positivity, these individuals passed away prematurely. The situation has sparked discussion and debate across various online platforms. Asmongold’s…

Fat Positive Influencer Thinks She’s an 8