Tag: Eating
Gaming While Eating: Wendy’s Hands-Free Device
Introducing The Saucy Nuggs Necklace: A Gamer’s Dream Come True Are you a devoted gamer who can’t bear to put down the controller, even for a second, to grab a bite to eat? Well, Wendy’s has teamed up with Matty from Unnecessary Inventions to solve this oh-so-specific yet undeniable dilemma. Enter the Saucy Nuggs Necklace…
Eating Friends in Cooking Companions Sequel
The Thrilling Sequel to Cooking Companions: Dread Weight Imagine a world where cooking your friends is a norm. That’s the eerie premise of Cooking Companions and its sequel, Dread Weight. However, in this twist of fate, players must resist the temptation to cook their friends. The latest installment, Dread Weight, takes players on a suspenseful…