Tag: discord features

  • Discord Finally Adds Text-to-Speech!

    Discord Finally Adds Text-to-Speech!


    Discord Concept Features You Want to See Discord, the popular communication platform, has a dedicated community with a plethora of ideas for new features. From customization options to security enhancements, users have pitched some intriguing concepts that could revolutionize the Discord experience. Let’s dive into some of the most requested features and explore how they…

  • Trick Discord for Better Notifications

    Trick Discord for Better Notifications


    Discord’s New Notifications System Discord has recently introduced a new notifications system that allows users to have more control over the notifications they receive from different servers. This is a beta feature that can be accessed and tested using a client modification called Vencord. With this new system, users can choose to only be pinged…

Discord Finally Adds Text-to-Speech!