Tag: Boston

  • Speedrunning IGN at PAX East

    Speedrunning IGN at PAX East


    PAX East – A Gaming Wonderland! At PAX East, the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center transforms into a vibrant hub of all things gaming. From indie developers to tabletop games, there’s a plethora of activities to explore. Let’s speedrun through some of the highlights of this gaming extravaganza! The Scent of Gaming One unique experience…

  • Teens Hack Boston Subway!

    Teens Hack Boston Subway!


    How Teens Hacked Boston Subway Four students from Medford High School managed to hack the Boston Subway system to get free rides, thanks to a leaked hackers’ presentation from 2008. The teenagers stumbled upon this information and decided to test if this scheme was still operational in 2023. Exploring the Hack Historically, paper tickets were…

Speedrunning IGN at PAX East