As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
#Styms #RedstoneCreative #Server
1. The Redstone world is the world the most people play on. In this world, you will find the most advanced redstone builds. By showing your skill level to us through builds, you can earn ranks, more commands, worldedit and a 128×128 plot which will be extended when it’s full.
2. The Creative world is a world players can build in when they got tired of redstoning all day. This world can be used for any build that does not contain redstone.

Please visit our website to learn more about our servers and community. See you in game!
We provide guest access for people to check out the server without registration, including a visitors plot to build on. However, if you want to participate in our ranking system, and build on your own plot; you will need to apply on our website: