As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing #Minecraft #server

Our server features a gigantic 20,000 x 20,000 custom terrain with many biomes and trees which are carefully crafted for stormheart. Outside of the custom map to the north and west vanilla chunks spawn and we have a world border beyond set to 40,000 blocks. We plan to create a custom nether and end biome to further the adventure. We have so much anticipated and are excited to have others share the journey with us and wish all new players happy mining in the world we have created.
The server runs entirely on vanilla Minecraft with datapacks. Using vanilla Minecraft allows us always to keep our server running with the latest-snapshot. These snapshots are perpetually updated and have the latest game features for Minecraft java edition. If you have trouble connecting change your Minecraft profile from latest-release to latest-snapshot. This server does not use bukkit, spigot, paper, or have access to plugins, so every modification is explicitly created for stormheart. There are excellent resources to learn about datapacks such as the commands subreddit and Minecraft wiki.