Starfield: Update Before Shattered Space


Starfield: Everything Added Since Launch (Before Shattered Space)

Starfield: Everything Added Since Launch (Before Shattered Space)

Since its launch in September, Starfield has been continuously evolving with updates from Bethesda. As we eagerly anticipate the new expansion, Shattered Space, let’s delve into all the exciting features that have been introduced since the game’s inception.

New Surface Maps

One of the most significant additions to Starfield has been the introduction of new surface maps. Players can now explore diverse landscapes and uncover hidden secrets on various planets, adding depth and immersion to the gameplay experience.


Another notable update is the inclusion of vehicles in Starfield. From sleek starships to rugged ground vehicles, players now have more options for traversing the vast expanses of space. These vehicles not only provide faster travel but also open up new possibilities for exploration and combat.

Starfield: Update Before Shattered Space


Bethesda has been diligent in adding fresh missions to Starfield, ensuring that players always have engaging content to experience. Whether it’s embarking on epic quests or taking on challenging objectives, the game’s storyline continues to expand, offering exciting adventures for players to partake in.

Modding Tools

For the creative minds in the community, Bethesda has introduced modding tools to Starfield, allowing players to customize their gameplay experience. With these tools, players can create new content, modify existing features, and share their creations with fellow space adventurers, fostering a vibrant modding community within the game.

As Bethesda continues to enhance Starfield with new updates and expansions, the galaxy of possibilities within the game only continues to grow. With each new addition, players can look forward to more exploration, discovery, and excitement in the ever-expanding universe of Starfield.

Positive ending: Explore the stars and embark on thrilling adventures in Starfield – the journey never ends!

Starfield: Update Before Shattered Space