As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
Ever wanted to go back in time to the old Prison PVP servers? Where the grind doesn’t stop, and isn’t P2W? A huge prison map with plenty of pvp zone and safe zones with Red and Green lines to symbolize both respectively. Once you progress through the prison enough you can even rent spaces for shops and even rent cells to store your items and safely smelt ores. There is only one warden and it is playername: [Strandedthoughts]

The only rules are no racism or homophobia and combat logging will get you banned temporarily, or permanently depending on number of offences, also we have anticheat, but if you are caught this is a perm ban, maybe IP ban.
Scamming is allowed if you can figure out how to scam someone. No irl deals or money can be exchanged for money. There are no purchasable ranks or items because this server is strictly Play to win.
IP: Ver. 1.8-1.13.3