Sneaky Tech YouTuber Gives Away Taylor Swift Tickets


Hackers GIVE AWAY Taylor Swift tix

Hackers GIVE AWAY Taylor Swift Tickets

Some hack for good, some hack for evil, and some hack for Taylor Swift tickets? The latest buzz surrounds hackers who allegedly leaked valid Taylor Swift tickets after a cyberattack on Ticket Master. Let’s dive into this intriguing tale and other tech news highlights!

Taylor Swift Ticket Hack

The infamous hacker group, Shiney Hunters, reportedly stole data from 500 million Ticket Master customers, including 193 million ticket barcodes. Among the leaked data were 166,000 Taylor Swift tickets, accompanied by instructions on how to create scannable barcodes. While Ticket Master assures customers that their tickets are secure due to rotating barcode technology, concerns linger regarding potential risks.

Boeing Pleads Guilty

In a significant development, Boeing has agreed to plead guilty to defrauding the US government in connection to fatal crashes in 2018 and 2019 that claimed 346 lives. This plea deal requires Boeing to invest at least $455 million in enhancing compliance and safety protocols. However, some critics argue that this settlement fails to hold the aerospace giant fully accountable.

Sneaky Tech YouTuber Gives Away Taylor Swift Tickets

Zotac Data Leak

PC hardware manufacturer Zotac faced scrutiny after exposing customer data through a publicly accessible server, leading to privacy concerns. While efforts are underway to rectify the issue, customers are advised to monitor their information for any potential risks.

Quick Bits & Tech Updates

In other news, AM5 processors might not receive a significant boost in 3D cache, Qualcomm faces compatibility issues with its Snapdragon X laptops, Waymo’s autonomous vehicle encounters a traffic mishap, Microsoft Notepad introduces spell check after 41 years, and Australian telecom companies combat spam callers with AI-powered systems.

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Stay tuned for more tech news and updates in the digital realm. Technology continues to evolve, shaping our world in exciting ways. Embrace the possibilities that the future holds!

Remember, the digital landscape is ever-changing. Stay informed, stay secure, and keep exploring the endless possibilities that technology offers!

Sneaky Tech YouTuber Gives Away Taylor Swift Tickets

Sneaky Tech YouTuber Gives Away Taylor Swift Tickets