As featured on New Minecraft Servers
#Simbey #World
Come play on a survival/factions server that hands out free items just for playing! Explore the world, build a fortress, trade with the villagers! The origin is periodically reset, so be sure to go beyond 512 blocks from (0, 0) to build.

The rules are simple:
1. Raiding is allowed, but griefing (being destructive for the sake of being destructive) will get you banned.
2. Don’t kill the villagers. Trade with them.
3. Don’t ask to be staff. This server runs all by itself.
4. Don’t connect with a modified game client.
Unlike other servers, you won’t be nagged about voting or donations. The chat will actually be quiet as you play! Also, there aren’t intrusive/abusive “staff” players who will follow you around or harass you. While no Minecraft server can guarantee complete privacy for private messages between players, you can rest easier knowing that no one is reading private messages in real-time (like on some servers). Finally, this server promotes and encourages free speech. You will not be banned for saying anything in chat or for what you write on signs or in books in the game. Of course, you may be mocked for being stupid, so don’t be stupid. 🙂