As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
#Rift #SMP #Brand #Modded #SMP

AmbientSounds 5 – Makes Minecraft sound better with stuff like echoing caves
appleskin – Shows the saturation you will receive from food items
Better advancements – Makes the advancements page better
Better animals plus – Adds tons of new mobs
Better than mending – Makes it so that when you shift and right-click with mending on a tool you can add your levels to repair the tool
Better end – Makes the end much nicer and just overall better with new biomes and much more
Better F3 – Makes the F3 Screen better
Better Nether – Adds new biomes to the nether
Bosses of Mass Destruction – Adds tons of new Bosses to fight
Charm – Adds a bunch of things to the game to improve looks and make the game feel better
Charm of undying – adds an extra slot so you can have totem and shield equipped
Chipped – Adds new variations to blocks
Clumps – Groups XP orbs together into a single entity to reduce lag
Continuity – Makes textures connect
Controlling – Makes changing button settings easier
Cosmetic Armor [FABRIC] – allows you to have two sets of armor one that you are wearing and one that’s just for show meaning you can have diamond armor on and look like you don’t
Creeper Overhaul – Adds new types of creepers for different locations
Decorative Blocks – Adds tons of new decoration blocks
Dragon Loot – Makes the Dragon drop scales which can be crafted into armor, tools, and more
Ecologics – Adds a couple of cool mobs
Elytra Protection – Allows you to add protection to elytra’s
End Remastered – Improves Stronghold and requires different eyes for portal
Entity Culling – Performance mod
Equipment Compare – Allows you to compare equipment to see which is better
Fabric Seasons – Adds seasons to the game
Falling Leaves – Adds falling leaf particles
FallingTree – Makes cutting trees down easier
Farsight – Allows you to use higher render distances while still getting good FPS
Freecam – shhhhh you didn’t see this
FTB Ranks – Adds ranks
FTB Teams – Allows you to create teams
Illuminations – Makes the game more visually appealing with things like fireflies(well there kind of fireflies)
Indium – Performance mod
Inventory HUD+ – Changes HUD and makes it better
Iris – Allows you to add shaders to fabric
Jade – Shows you what block/animal you’re looking at
JourneyMap – Adds Map to the screen
Just Enough Items – Helps by showing how to craft or make items, blocks, and more
KleeSlabs – This mod allows you to break only one half of a double slab
LambDynamicLights – Adds Dynamic lights meaning if you hold a torch it will emit light as well as if you throw it the light will stay with that item
Lithium – Performance mod
Lucky block Mod – Adds blocks that when broken can have good or bad effects (I’m sure you’ve heard of the mod)
MaCaws Bridges, Fences, Walls, Lights, Lamps, Paintings, Paths, Trapdoors and Windows lots of new decoration blocks
Mod Menu – Adds a mod menu to fabric
More Axolotl Varients Mod – Adds more types of Axolotls to the game
Mouse Tweaks – Replaces the standard RMB dragging mechanic, adds two new LMB dragging mechanics, and the ability to quickly move items with the scroll wheel.
Natures Compass – Adds a compass that lets you select a biome then it points towards that biome
Not Enough Animations – Adds new Animations to the game
Obsidian Equipment – Adds obsidian tools and armor to the game
OpenBlocks Elevator – Adds a block that you can use as an elevator by shifting to go down or jumping to go up
Phosphor – Performance mod
Reese’s Sodium Options – Makes the Menu screen for fabric a bit better
Repurposed Structures – Adds new structures to the game
Savage Ender Dragon – Makes the ender dragon fight more difficult and also scales it depending on how many players are fighting it
Simple Voice Chat(Coming soon) – Proximity chat and Voice chat groups
Skin Layers 3D – Makes Skins 3D
Sodium – Extreme performance mod
Sodium Extra – adds extra sodium features
spark – performance mod
Tips – adds tips during loading screens
ToroHealth Damage Indicators – Adds damage indicators
Visuality – Makes the game more visually apealing
When Dungeons Arise – Adds dungeons that you can raid
Xaero’s World Map – adds a large full-screen map to the game
You’re in Grave Danger – When you die a grave spawns with your stuff that way it doesnt despawn
Zoomify – Allows you to use optifine zoom