As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
#ReFresh #SMP

ReFresh SMP is a non-whitelist, mostly vanilla Survival 1.21 Minecraft Server.
The server’s IP is subject to change in the future, so please be wary and join the discord server for updates and the ability to update the server’s IP in your list! (The world does not reset.)
On this server, unclaimed land is free game.
Claim your land to protect it from grief.

If you end up dying outside the worldborder,
Your items will not be retrieved.
Be sure to look into installing the recommended mods!
Custom Player Models, &rand &lSimple Voice Chat.
This is a list of the server’s rules.
Read this carefully please!§r
Rule 1: Do not use any mods that provide an unfair advantage.
Rule 2: Do not Xray. Do not use Kill Aura
Rule 3: Please refrain from any racism, or sexism, or anti-lgbtqia+.
Rule 4: This server has a player run economy. DON’T RUIN IT.
Thank you for reading the server rules!
There are no donations, nor any donation perks, every player has the same opportunities.
Many aspect of this server are subject to change and adapt, moderation habits, plugins, and gamerules.

Events are being thought of and planned to be planned. (?)
There is /back for now. Potentially adding graves or another decision to be made in the future.