As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
#Plexic #SMP #CustomTweaked #Survival #resets #Bedrock #support

What is Plexic?
– Plexic is a custom-tweaked 1.19.3 SMP with the map never resetting, I plan to leave the server up forever regardless whoever plays it. There’s many cool features, but keeps the vanilla experience! Est. March 13, 2022.
– Some of the many features we offer; Shops! Make your own shops to setup item trades with other players automatically. ProtectionStones: At 1 hour of /playtime you will receive a 32x protection stone (ps) and at 8 hours you will receive a 64x ps. Every 6 hours of playtime you will receive 1x 9×9 claim forever. You can exchange them at spawn for bigger claims. Combine Elytras with Chestplates!: As the name states, you can combine your elytra with your chestplate into one! Do so by dropping your elytra and a chestplate onto the top of an anvil and they will merge into one!
Join @ and do /faq to find more of the great other features!

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And lastly, you can find us on discord also @