As featured on New Minecraft Servers
The Goal of this Server is to build a healthy and open minded community of Minecraft-Players with varying and exceptional skillsets. We are a mature and respectful server, meaning 18+ is preferable but not necessary. We do have younger members however they are all mature and respected. Our main form for communication is discord through both text and chat, a mic is necessary as it makes communicating builds and information a lot easier along with this being a community where everyone knows each other. We do ask that members try to play at least twice a week, this helps to ensure the server stays active and everyone is up to date on projects and the workings of the server.
If you do apply, keep in Mind that it is on You to be Part of this Community.

If being inactive without any form of communication you should be prepared to be un-whitelisted and accordingly be removed as a member in discord.
Some Server Events
Finding the End and Fighting the Ender Dragon.
Building up Spawn and Decorating it for Holidays
Link to Apply