As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
#Mushroom #Paraguay
This is the private server of HRW and XboxStampy. This server has one rule. You can play with us if you are cool. Are you cool? Here are examples of not being cool. Lets say you get your kicks by engaging in racists, homophobic, sexist, vulgar remarks. Is that you Well, if it is, you are not cool. Lets say you downloaded a hacking client and you are really excited because now you think you are a real hacker but you have never even compiled one line of code. News Flash: You are not cool. Now maybe you are in a habit of destroying someone else’s build and then you say rekt in chat but your excitement is followed by a sudden sadness and disappointment when you find out nobody cares: Buddy you are not cool. So what is cool Example of being cool: making an island entirely out of cake and dancing on it as a daily ritual. That my friend is the true definition of cool.