As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
#Miyagis #Dojo
Hey there!

Are you looking for a server that puts the community first? A server that was created out of a deep appreciation for Minecraft, rather than as a way for the owner to make money? Tired of pay to win servers advertising fairness, only to block the best aspects of the game behind a paywall?
Well then, you’ve come to the right place!
Mr. Miyagi’s Dojo is a server dedicated to the classic ideals of a Minecraft server. Friends playing together, enjoying the game for what it is! The server officially launched on 04/23/2023, and we’re currently looking for members to come join out community.
We have tons of cool features designed to keep the game interesting and reward players for playing. Best of all, every single feature on the server is 100% free!
There’s a place for everyone at Mr. Miyagi’s Dojo. Come vibe with us today!