As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing

Welcome to Moddilla Towny! We are a player orientated server aimed with providing you an amazing experience! We have just released and are in beta so now is the best time to join! With being in beta we are actively looking for suggestions/alterations to the server to make it enjoyable for everybody. Setup by owners with years experience we know what we’re doing and want you to help make an amazing community!
The main theme of our server is that we class ourselves as “Modded Vanilla (Moddilla 😉 )”. We do this by utitilizing amazing plugins such as the TARDIS plugin and SlimeFun. We have a proffessional website setup and a very well laid out Discord, this makes it to so all the information you need it never more than a few clicks away, and our staff are always around happy to help!
We hope you decide to join us and help us form what can be an amazing community. Thanks!
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