MLB The Show 24 Review: All Bases Covered


MLB The Show 24 Review

MLB The Show 24: A Celebration of Baseball’s Rich History

The latest installment of MLB The Show, reviewed by Justin Koreis on PlayStation 5, continues to uphold the franchise’s legacy of excellence in baseball simulation. Available on PlayStation 4, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch, the game maintains its standard of gameplay while introducing new features that enhance the overall experience.

A Tribute to Baseball Legends

One of the standout aspects of MLB The Show 24 is the emphasis on honoring the rich history of baseball. Season 2 of the Negro Leagues is a delightful addition, offering players the opportunity to delve into the stories of legendary players who shaped the sport. The captivating narratives, narrated by the charismatic President of the Negro League Museum, BoB Kendrick, breathe life into the game and pay homage to baseball’s iconic figures.

Inclusion and Diversity

MLB The Show 24 takes a progressive step forward by introducing women players to the game. With the addition of the first female professional baseball player, Tony Stone, players can experience a more inclusive representation of the sport. The game’s commitment to highlighting the achievements of women in baseball adds depth and authenticity to the gameplay.

MLB The Show 24 Review: All Bases Covered

Dynamic Gameplay and Immersive Experience

The gameplay in MLB The Show 24 remains top-notch, offering players a variety of control and difficulty options to tailor their experience. From impact plays that showcase the thrill of exceptional fielding to the custom game entry feature in Franchise mode, the game provides an immersive and engaging experience for baseball enthusiasts.

Challenges and Opportunities

While MLB The Show 24 excels in many areas, there are some challenges to overcome. The storyline featuring Derek Jeter lacks the dramatic tension and struggles that make for a compelling narrative, leaving players craving more depth and complexity. Additionally, the Diamond Dynasty mode faces some issues with the seasonal card rotations, making it challenging for players to maintain their favorite cards.

Overall, MLB The Show 24 is a testament to the enduring appeal of baseball as a sport. With its commitment to honoring the history of the game, promoting inclusivity, and delivering exciting gameplay, the game offers a true-to-life baseball experience for fans of all ages.

Step up to the plate and experience the thrill of America’s favorite pastime with MLB The Show 24!

Play ball and enjoy the game!

MLB The Show 24 Review: All Bases Covered

MLB The Show 24 Review: All Bases Covered