As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
#MineSlip #Hardcore #SMP

There are 5 factors here that make this an extremely hard SMP:
1. If you die, you get banned (it’s hardcore after all)
2. If you fail to complete a weekly challenge, you get banned
3. If you fail to prove that you beat a challenge with video footage, you get banned
4. If you don’t upload at least 1 video per week about this SMP, you get banned
5. If you fail to advertise the server and/or Jaceslip, you get banned
We hope you enjoy your experience, and may the best player (besides Dream) win!
RULES: It is required to have: an active YouTube account (at least 2 times a month upload schedule), a Discord account (that you can use without problem), and a purchased Minecraft account, and a comprehension that this is a just a video game and should not be taken (too) seriously.
There shall be no profanity, no nudity, no political/religious opinions, no bullying, no racism/sexism, no cheating (e.g. hacked clients, illegal mods), and a understanding that breaking any of these rules will result in a ban from both the discord server and minecraft server.

It should also be noted that any bosses (e.g. the Ender Dragon) should not be tampered with and/or beaten unless given permission from The Admin himself, else be banned.
Note: These rules go for both the discord server and the minecraft server
(Link removed)
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