As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
#MineRP #Server

Website: | Server IP:
We are a Survival Roleplay server that’s been around since January 2011, we have been growing strong ever since. Our arms are open to everyone, and we hope to provide a lasting and satisfying experience for both new and veteran Minecraft players.
You are free to log in to Mine-RP at any point and give our server a look and try. While we encourage the freedom of our players to PURSUE their creative initiatives, we have a policy of zero tolerance when it comes to griefing of any kind.
Rest assured, knowing the Mine-RP staff is watching over your hard work.

The server is run entirely on player donations, which we reward in-game with special perks, special privileges, and items, all supported by our personalized Buycraft store.
Come and say “Hello”, we’re always open!
Mine-RP is always looking for ways to inprove the community and how we run the server to make it better for our players.
With this following the 1.20 update, we are updating and adding new features to our server to allow a much better game play for our players.

Along with much more…