As featured on New Minecraft Servers
Welcome is a survival freebuild serverServer-IP: This is what will await you on the server:
With /start you get all the information you need for a good start on the server. You can freely choose your property and enlarge it as you wish with your available claim blocks. At the start of the game you have 100 blocks available, but these increase as you play on the server and become more.The world is currently 30,000 blocks wide. But can be enlarged if necessary. The server runs on the new version 1.19.3, but can be accessed with 1.19.x. To generate additional income, you can take on up to three jobs. There are different ranks that can be achieved completely free of charge become. Nothing can be purchased with real money. (no pay to win!) You can receive great rewards via the vote system (e.g. flight time). You can create your own player warps and show other players your property. You can also build XP farms and share them with othersMake it available to players. A lot of things can be bought or sold in the server shop. Items can be sold to other players without scams in the auction house. The End and Nether can be reached via portals at the spawn or through warps.
A brief overview of the individual ranks
Every new player who joins the server has this rank. Maximum claim blocks: 2500 Maximum homes: 2 Maximum player warps: 2

Maximale Claimblöcke: 5000Maximale Homes: 4Maximale Playerwarps: 3
Maximale Claimblöcke: 10000Maximale Homes: 6Maximale Playerwarps: 4

Maximum Claim Blocks: 25000Maximum Homes: 8Maximum Playerwarps: 5Access Enderchest via ChatChange the time of day for yourself
Maximum Claim Blocks: 50000Maximum Homes: 15Maximum Playerwarps: 8Access to a workbench via chat
Maximale Claimblöcke: 200000Maximale Homes: 20Maximale Playerwarps: 10
Maximale Claimblöcke: 500000Maximale Homes: UnlimitetMaximale Playerwarps: 15
Important commands:· /start All the information you need to get started· /rtp RandomTeleporter· /sethome(name) Set your home· /jobsbrowse Choose a job· /ah Auction house· /ahsell (price) Put your hand-selected item in the auction house for 7 days· /pw Playerwarps· /fly Temporary flying (time is running out)· /vote Here you can vote for the server daily to receive great rewards· /tpa(playername) Sends a teleport request to a player· /rankup You can increase your rank for in-game money · /hub You come to the lobby· /warps The warp menu opens· /moneynote(value) Creates a banknote equal to the value· /xpbottle(xpvalue) Creates an XP bottle