As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
MelonSurvival is a semi-vanilla survival server on 1.20.2, with a chill and growing community. We look forward to playing with you!

Important information:
Chat Reporting is disabled server-side
One person sleep with cancel option enabled
Player and mob head drops
Hard gamemode – survival. Never pay to win.
Raiding & PVP friendly. Nothing disabled except Phantoms.
No hacks, No griefing, no claims, no back, no keep inventory.
Owners are active and involved, and neither Owners nor Admins are permitted to raid.
Use /sethome instead of beds to save your location. Players have 2 homes by default.
Use /rtp to teleport up to 5000 blocks away from /spawn.
World border is 30k and will expand with new terrain releases.