As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
A creative server that is different from the rest of the crowd. We don’t simply give you WorldEdit, we give you nearly every feature of it. We give you two 175X175 plots to build on, an arsenal of building tools, and a great community to build with. We have staff whom have proper training of all the necessary plugins. Join today and see what you are missing!!
/plot auto -claims a plot
/plot add -adds a friend to your plot
/plot remove -removes a player from your plot
/marry -marry a person
/marry divorce -divorces your marriage
/marry tp -teleport to your partner
/tpa -request to teleport to someone
/tpahere -request someone to teleport to you
/yes -accepts a teleport request
/no -denies a teleport request
/silentno -denies a tp request, but won’t tell the other player
/hat -wear an item on your head
/pvpmode -toggle pvp mode on and off