As seen on New Minecraft Servers
#MagicWorldAdventure #Minecraft #server
When you first appear on the server, you will be surprised by the non-standard start of the game. Your wooden pickaxe broke on the second block, and for the third time food cannot properly satisfy your hunger. Welcome to your most challenging magical adventure yet!
The fact is that you will have to initially organize your first refuge and gain a foothold in the construction world, and only then go to extract resources. It is much easier to develop when acting in a team, since the distribution of responsibilities will help everyone to open up, besides, the more allies you have, the more fun.

The world will show you, by no means, the simplest mobs and conditions for survival. The Tincker’s Construct mod will help you overcome difficulties, with the help of which problems with choosing the right tools will disappear – you need them all!
Magic mods are selected so as to depend on each other… For example, to create the simplest rune from Blood Magic, you will need a magic stone from Thaumcraft. Completing quests will not only help you navigate your current tasks, but will also pleasantly surprise you with the number of goodies that are given out in as a reward for completing them. A lover of magical assemblies will be able to test his strength, and a beginner will calmly harden himself in the harsh magical world and overcome the mysterious secret of the guardians of the Twilight Forest!

AppleCoreArsMagica2AutomagyAutoSaplingBaublesBetterFoliageBetterFPSBetterQuestingBetterStorageBiblioCraftBiomes O’ PlentyBloodMagicBotaniaCarpenter’s BlocksChiselClientFixCodeChickenCoreCraftHeraldlyCraftTweakerCustom Main MenuCustomNPCsDamageIndicatorsDecocraftEnderCoreErebusExtraTiCFoamFIxForbidden MagicForestryForgottenRelicsGrowthCraftHardcoreEnderExpansionIguanaTinkerTweaksJabbaJourneyMapMagicBeesMineTunerMineTweakerModMacrossModTweaker2NashornNBTInjectorNEIAddonsNetherLiciousNetherPortalfixNotEnoughItemsNotEnoughResourcesOptiFinePam’sHarvestcraftParallelMipmapResourceLoaderRoguelikeSoundFiltersSpecialMobsSpiceOfLifeStandardExpansionStorageDrawersTaintedMagicThaumcraftThaumcraftNEIPluginThaumic ExplorationThaumicInventoryScanningThaumicHorizonsThaumicTinkererTheTwilightForestTiCTooltipsTinkersConstructTranslocatorsTravelersGearTreeCapitatorUniDIctWailaWailaHarvestabilityWawlaPluginsWitcheryWitching GadgetsWorldEditCUI