As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
#Lucidity #modded #vanilla #server #darker #tone

Lucidity is a modded server that is inspired by the latest deep dark, and so we took that to the next level, with sanity*, being able to use souls in multiple ways, a wild update backport, and so much more.
Lucidity makes use of a server resourcepack which uses a lot of talented art from talented people on pmc, among custom assets and textures to make the feel of lucidity really come alive.
We’d be happy for you to join us, but remember that lucidity is designed for experienced players (a year or more of minecraft experience reccomended). You have been warned…
*the sanity system and it’s content was made by the datapack (and soon to be mod!) Manic, and lucidity is inspired by them! Go check them out!
All of the assets that are used by lucidity will be credited in hall of creators. Some examples of this are stay true, defaultex, and many more.

Contact me at Grayskull#0232 to join the discord server and get access to the modpack, as it is whitelisted!