As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
#Lawless #Land #Anarchy #Rules #1.16.3

General server info:
– The world border is 1 million, nether world border 1/8 of that (125k)
– Hacking is allowed, nothing is bannable
– Server running with dedicated CPU cores, US server location
– We plan to stick around for a while, no resets, no rollbacks
You’re a person who can handle even the toughest of situations, and nothing coming at you can stop you from what you want to achieve. Lawless Land is just that, Minecraft with no hurdles. Whether you want to war, PvP, or settle off far away to build a base, the choice is yours on Lawless Land.
Blatant hack modules like fast fly are patched/blocked, but nothing will get you banned on Lawless Land. Over time the anti-cheat will be made more lenient to allow a wide range of mods while still keeping server integrity intact.
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