As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
Created this personal server a couple months ago. Like the way it’s turning out. Opening it up to others to play/help/have fun. Pretty cool seed. Come build your home, farms, explore, and lets trade!
No Greifing, Stealing, or destroying/messing with other players things.
About the world:
Large biomes on normal difficulty with reduced amount of generated structures. Villages, Shipwrecks, Temples, Broken Nether Portals, Mine Shafts, Mansions, Pillager outpost, ect. are all MUCH more rare. 10x more rare to be exact.
Wandering Traders and Patrols disabled.
Blue Dye + Yellow Dye = Green Dye (Still can get it from cactus)
Black Dye can be made with Charcoal or Coal (or Ink)
Brown Dye can be made with Iron + water Bucket aka rust…. (or Cocoa Beans)
No other changes from Vanilla.
Animal mobs are enabled, however don’t have so many you cause lag.
Flying allowed.
Happy to share my map of the world and sell you things (Enchanted Picks, Armor, ect) if you’d like for a quicker start.