As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
#Insomniac #Servers #Minecraft #Survival

About Insomniac Servers
We got our start in MineCraft as PowerKrew Servers hosting three classic servers and 2 beta servers. During a reorganization we changed our name and decided to focus on building community. We welcome all players looking to have a good time building and playing along side friends.
General Overview
Survival server hosted on a dedicated machine. Moderate internet connection. Located in Texas.
– Address:
– Server uses Paper 1.18.2
– Players need 1.18.2
The server is not whitelisted – anyone can join and anyone can build.
Applying for Member rights grants you benefits to make life easier. Apply here.

– Exile (Banned) (cannot build)
– Peasant (Default) (Guest rank, can set 1 home and can place up to 4 protection stones)
– Freeman (This is the first member rank. Set 3 homes, and can build inside the member zone. Can place 5 protection stones)
– Knight (2nd member rank. Set 5 homes and place 6 protection stones) Earned after 2 months of active play on our servers.
– Baron (This is the donation rank. Donating gives you 7 homes, custom name, and cash bonus in-game.)(See below how to donate)
– Architect (Creative Mode and basic WorldEdit abilities [This is for build days])
– Count (Moderator, Staff rank. Can fly, ban, and rollback grief
– Duke (Admin, Staff rank. rank players, unlimited money, creative mode, worldedit, and most commands)
– King (Owner, All Commands)
The help system is pretty good for info on commands. Typing /help will list all available commands to you. There will be several pages so “/help 2”, etc. will get subsequent pages. You can also do a full text search of all commands and command descriptions, e.g. “/help tp” will list all commands that contain the letters “tp”.Additional NotesThis is one of two minecraft retail servers hosted by our community, the other being a creative server. We are a friendly community that is always ready to welcome new people.