Incoming Supernatural Release Date Trailer


Supernatural: Official Release Date Trailer

Get Ready for a Paranormal Experience with Supernatural!

Step into the eerie world of Supernatural, an upcoming first-person horror shooter that promises a unique gaming experience like never before. What sets Supernatural apart from traditional horror games is its integration of your PC microphone – get ready to communicate with a supernatural entity through your own voice. Are you brave enough to face the unknown?

Survive the Haunting Atmosphere

In Supernatural, players will navigate through a spine-chilling environment, solving puzzles and unraveling mysteries along the way. But here’s the catch – staying quiet is key to survival. As you navigate the haunted world, be prepared to face off against a malevolent force that reacts to the sound of your voice. Can you keep your composure and make it through to the end?

Multiple Endings and Intense Gameplay

With Supernatural, the choices you make will impact the outcome of the game. Will you find a way to escape the clutches of the supernatural entity, or will you fall victim to its sinister intentions? Each decision you make will lead you down a different path, giving the game high replay value and endless possibilities.

Incoming Supernatural Release Date Trailer

This thrilling horror experience is set to release on Steam on July 15, promising gamers a truly immersive and interactive adventure. Excitement is building, so be sure to add Supernatural to your wishlist on Steam if you’re ready to embark on a journey into the unknown.

Get ready to have your nerves tested and your courage challenged as you dive into the mysterious world of Supernatural. Are you prepared to face the supernatural head-on? The clock is ticking, and the entity is waiting…

Embrace the thrill, sharpen your wits, and get ready for an unforgettable gaming experience with Supernatural!

Incoming Supernatural Release Date Trailer