IGN’s Wild Deep Dive!


Still Wakes the Deep Review

Still Wakes the Deep: A Review

Still Wakes the Deep, a horror game reviewed by Leana Hafer on PC, also available on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, brings a mix of fantastic art, engaging dialogue, superb voiceover work, and a captivating setting that immerses players in a world of deep-sea terror.

The Eerie Setting

The premise of the game is simple yet promising, plunging players into the role of Caz, an electrician on an offshore Scottish oil rig in the 1970s. The attention to detail is remarkable, from period-accurate outfits to authentic Scottish Gaelic dialogue, creating a truly immersive experience.

The Visual Splendor

Visually, Still Wakes the Deep excels with its stunning and atmospheric graphics. The weathered, industrial presence of the rig, combined with the unsettling transformation of the environment into Cronenbergian horror, showcases the developer’s mastery of Unreal Engine 5.

IGN’s Wild Deep Dive!

The Gameplay Experience

However, the game’s linear structure presents a significant drawback. The lack of exploration opportunities, coupled with frustrating level design, diminishes the potential for player engagement. With limited pathways and minimal room for discovery, the gameplay experience feels constricted and at odds with the immersive setting.

The Quest for Fear

Despite its immersive elements, Still Wakes the Deep falls short in delivering genuine scares. While the game attempts to create tension through familiar horror tropes like monster encounters and atmospheric sequences, the fear factor often feels lacking, failing to evoke the desired sense of dread.

The Emotional Core

On a positive note, the game shines in its character development and emotional resonance. The voice acting, especially the authentic Scottish dialects, brings the crewmates to life, adding depth to the narrative. Caz’s personal journey and the poignant moments towards the end provide a heartfelt payoff, showcasing the game’s narrative strength.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, Still Wakes the Deep is a game of contrasts. While it excels in certain aspects such as art and storytelling, its restrictive gameplay and lack of genuine scares detract from the overall experience. For players seeking a visually captivating narrative with a strong emotional core, the game still offers moments of intrigue and immersion.

Ultimately, Still Wakes the Deep may not be a perfect horror experience, but it does succeed in creating a vivid and memorable world that lingers in the mind of players long after the credits roll.

IGN’s Wild Deep Dive!

IGN’s Wild Deep Dive!